An Atheist's Prayer
When one gazes into the heavens and beholds the wonders of the universe, it seems almost
reasonable to have religious ponderings. But it is not reasonable. Astronomy is the enemy of traditional religions
in many respects because it answers the question "How did we all get here?" and "Where did
everything come from?". In every direction there is a 2 mm microwave background glow that is the remnant light
from shortly after the "creation" event -- the Big Bang. We see stars blow up nearly all the way back to the beginning of time,
spewing into the void the synthesized elements of which we are composed. Astronomers have
modeled the inner workings of stars, using physics and mathematics, to account for the elemental abundances
observed on earth. We see stars and planets forming, just as ours did 4.6 billion years ago.
We see planets orbiting other stars in habitable zones. There are perhaps 100 billion in our galaxy alone.
Astronomy is much more heretical today than it was in Galileo's time. (The church finally admitted they were
wrong about Galileo in 1992 -- 350 years posthumously).
Humans have progressed and dominated earth because of our intelligence and in large measure
because of our ability to pass knowledge along to successive generations. Story telling was a
wonderful way to make important information memorable, thus preserving more of its integrity.
A tragic story of lovers who die from eating a poisonous plant survived many re-tellings compared
to "don't eat that one". The better stories gained a life of their own, embellished as time passed.
And so we eventually created God, in our own image. We endowed him with things that we desired --
power, wisdom, ever lasting life. We had him grant us dominion over our environment. Soon shamans
and priests began the clerical racket as intercessors to the imaginary.
God has never been real, but he has had a powerful influence on our evolution. He has been the
goal toward which we strive. Indeed we have conquered our environment, transforming desert into
oasis, wasteland into garden, and forests into mansions. We have inter-connected even the remote
corners of the planet to communicate around the globe at the speed of light. We have collected
all knowledge and made it available instantaneously to anyone anywhere. We've probed the depths
of the oceans, the highest mountains, and the distant planets in our solar system. We built a
microscope 17 miles long to peer into the heart of the proton, and we've decoded the molecules of
life. We've walked on the moon and vanquished polio, small pox, and tooth decay. We've yet to extend
human life beyond its natural limit, but can it not be just a matter of time? If we were to appear to
our ancestors with the magic of our technology, they would certainly see us a gods. We have become
gods, we are becoming gods, we will become gods. We will continue and we will travel among the stars.
This is our destiny, foretold in our own stories about the divine.
The heavens are full of myths, stories, and divinations. Orion, Jupiter, Pegasus, Venus, Mars, Andromeda, Draco, Cassiopeia
all named for gods, monsters, and heroes. If we gaze at the stars and see a non-existant spirit world,
then we are simply giving in to an ancient impulse that has driven us from the savannahs and forests of
Africa to stand on the moon and peer back to the beginning of time through fantastically complex eyes fashioned
from rare minerals. But humanity must reject gods and
superstitions if we are to survive this age when our planet is in peril. We cannot blame gods for thunder
and lightning, nor global warming or melting ice caps. It was not god's will that decimated raptor populations and it was
was not an act of god that saved the majestic bald eagle from extinction. We have drastically over-populated the
planet and our demand for resources is quickly outstripping supply. Like characters on the Big Bang theory, factions
argue over the details of fictional super beings and actually fly airplanes into sky scrapers or bomb the Boston Marathon to prove
their imaginary god's superiority.
If an atheist might be granted one prayer, then "Let us reason together".