Neutrinos, Big Numbers, and Four Forces
Astronomy is full of atronomically big numbers and big ideas. For example,
the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is 4.24. light years away. A light year is
5.88 trillion miles thus Proxima Centauri is 24,900,000,000,000 miles away. We
can short hand such big numbers with exponential notation -- 24.9 X 1012.
It can be a bit difficult to conceptualize a number that big, but with the help of
a football field we shall take a stab at it. We'll kill several birds with one
stone by using our field to construct a scale model of an atom. The
model of an atom below is highly schematic -- definitely not to scale.
First, let's take a few liberties by imagining our field to be gradated in meters
instead of yards. That will increase its scale by about 10%, but we can just imagine
it's stretched into one of the end zones. Our second liberty is that we will use
a BB to represent the nucleus of the atom, which we will place at the 50 meter line.
A typical BB is over 4 mm in diameter, but we'll
pretend it is closer to 1 mm. Now we'll place the electrons near the goal line and
they are too small to see with the naked eye. Of course an atom is three dimensional, so imagine
the width of the field is 50 meters and that our model atom extends 50 meters above and
below the plane. A helium atom has a diameter of about 100 x 10-12 meters (pico-meters) and its
nucleus is about 1 x 10-15 meters (femto-meter). So we've scaled our helium
atom up by a factor of 1 trillion. And the ratio of the atom's diameter to the
nucleus' diameter is 100,000. If we compare the volume of the BB to the volume
of a small football stadium, then we have a volume of 1 compared to 10 X 105 cubed.
That's 1015 or one quadrillion. Not so hard to visualize. It's just a BB in a football
stadium. Incidently, the football field is also a good place to keep your mock-up
solar system and your geologic timeline.
Consider how much an atom is empty space! The "solid" parts are only one part in a
quadrillion. If we shrink the atom back to normal size then there are a million
of them across the diameter of a human hair. But shrinking them doesn't alter
the proportions of the nucleus to empty space. If we were to eliminate the empty
space in you, then the solid part of you would fit into a single cell. But if you are
mostly empty space, then why do you seem to be solid? Why does everything around us
seem to be solid? Why can't I pass my hand through walls? The answer is the electromagnetic
force -- one of the four fundamental forces in nature. The protons are positively
charged and the electrons are negatively charged. Like charges repel each other. It is
the EM force that is responsible for nearly all of the phenomena around us. It is
responsible for chemical bonding and reactions, it is source of light, sound, touch,
taste, and smell. And it makes us appear to be solid.
It is quite a strong force compared to the other fundamental force we are all
familiar with -- gravity. But one thing about the EM force is that is is almost
always in balance. Gravity and the EM force are similar in
that they extend over long ranges, but gravity can never be balanced. There is
no anti-gravity force. The more of something you have, the more gravity it has. Now
consider a familiar experience -- picking up a metal object with a magnet. Magnetism
is a very tiny residual EM force caused by the atoms in a material having their spins aligned.
The object being picked up has a force acting on it to resist being picked up -- gravity.
And that gravity is being produced by the sum of all the particle in the entire planet.
Gravity is a very, very weak force compared to EM. In fact it is 1036 times
weaker than the electromagnetic force. Oops! That's a number too big to vizualize
with our football field! We come up 21 zeroes short!
There are two less familiar forces, and both are rather important in astronomy. They are the
strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. Both act over very short ranges. The strong
nuclear force holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus and it has a range of about
twice the diameter of the nucleus. Two protons strongly repel each other due to their like
charges. However, if the the temperature and pressure is high enough, such as in the center
of a star, they forced close enough that the nuclear force takes over which is 100 times stronger
than the EM force. This is nuclear fusion and it's what powers the sun and stars. Fusing hydrogen
to helium results in a loss of a small amount of mass which is turned into energy.
The weak nuclear force has a range of about 1% of a nuclear diameter. Each fusion reaction produces
neutrinos which are nearly massless and only interact via the weak nuclear force. Therefore, they
can travel through atoms unimpeded and rarely interact with nucleons. To a neutrino, the atom is truly
empty space -- even more so than our football field model would suggest. There are 65 billion neutrinos
zipping through your thumbnail every second from the nuclear reactions at the center of the sun. Huge
neutrino detectors have been built underground using tons of material as an interaction medium. Until
recently, these detectors registered neutrino strikes less than once a day. Changes in reactions in the sun's
ultra-dense core can take 100 millenia to filter to the sun's surface via the EM force and then another eight minutes to
reach earth. Neutrinos from the nuclear reactions in the sun's core reach us in eight minutes.
There are several neutrino detectors around the world, all buried deep underground to eliminate background radiation.
Most were designed with the aim of observing nuclear reactions in the sun's core. But on February 23, 1987, the
detectors observed a supernova in another galaxy! That will be our next story.